Happy Tails
adopted 06/2020
Kali was saved from euthanasia in 2015 and was adopted by Christine. Unfortunately in 2019 Kali’s mom passed away suddenly leaving Kali alone and scared. This cutie was picked up by animal control and once again BRave Bully Rescue got Kali out of the shelter. In 2020 Kali made quite the trek from Texas to Seattle, Washington, which was originally meant to be a foster, but went straight to adoption almost immediately (yup, a foster fail!). Her smile and immediate kindness towards us after her tough previous life was an immediate sell. Kali is so amazingly gentle with my son and his friends. This beautiful has adopted a life of adventures. This year Kali has seen and swam in the ocean, been on some tedious hikes to waterfalls and done lots of camping. This cutie will do anything to be with us, it’s clear that we’ve pushed her boundaries of comfort by walking through rivers and running through the waves. But the best thing about Kali? The Snuggles! We can’t get enough of this little princess. We pick her up and carry her around the house like a big baby and cover her in blankets whenever we can. We dress her in sweaters and she even has a rain coat. She’s one of the best things to happen to us ever… but we’re specially grateful she happen to us in 2020. Follow her adventures on Instagram #smileykali
Daisy (Storm)
adopted 05/2020
Daisy previously known as Storm was saved from euthanasia 6 years ago along with her 4 puppies. unfornuately, all puppies ended up passing away but sweet daisy was able to find a family. after almost 6 years of beign in a home this sweet girl was returned after a divorce. My daughter and I were originally looking for a small dog, but it was necessary for me to have a dog that got along with kids and other dogs because most of my friends and family have dogs, and we frequently get together. i had inquired on a couple of different dogs with different recue groups and shelters, including one at brave bully rescue. i spoke to catherine and she said that she did not think the dog i was asking about would be a good fit, but to look at storm. i am sooo grateful that we did, and that i kept an open mind on a larger dog. daisy is the perfect dog in every way, getting along with everyone, and making everyone fall in love with her. she has even been very maternal with the neighbor’s new puppy, teaching her lessons with gentle growls and nips. daisy is the best cuddler, which my daughter loves. Daisy rarely barks and if she does it’s because she’s really excited. this is a match made in heaven for us and we couldn’t be happier with our daisy.
Petey (Blu) & Leila
adopted 09/19
Blu and Layla were adopted as puppies to the same family, but after being in a home for over 5 years they were both returned to the rescue because they had too many kids and couldn’t give these two cuties the love and attention they needed. These two came into my life in fall of 2019. After reading their heart breaking story on petfinder, I knew I had to give them the home they both deserved. Blu is my social butterfly and Leila is never far from my side. They are getting spoiled daily and also getting proper training. They truly bring joy to my life and continiously make me laugh! We are a happy family and I can’t imagine these two not being together.
Maggie (Ebony)
adopted 03/19
We got Maggie when she was 2 years old in March of 2019. We were her 4th home in a few short months and she didn’t know her name. She had clearly been fought, bred over and over, had a tattoo and part of her mouth was missing. She’s super vocal and constantly “talks” to us. Unless you know her, it sounds like a growl and with part of her mouth missing she looks really intimidating. Add snoring and drooling and I knew if I didn’t give her a chance she would go back to boarding. Once I did, I fell in-love. Regardless of what she’s been through she loves everyone she meets. She’s the most loving dog and even thinks she’s small enough to be on your lap.. She’s so happy living her best life with her forever family❤️
adopted 10/16
I met Jasper in 2016. This huge watermelon shaped dog with toothpicks for legs, snaggletoothed grin, scars on his head and a crooked tail rolled belly up in my living room floor and begged for petting. During the time I fostered Jasper, he was featured on the Brave Bully Website, shared on Social Media and taken to adoption events. All the other dogs I fostered with him were adopted out, but a year later he was still with me, and not a single person had shown interest in him. I knew from his scars and scared demeanor that he had had a hard life before me, so after A LOT of consideration I decided to adopt him. He was my first and only ‘foster-fail”, and I could not be happier. His cowering has disappeared, his weight has equaled out and his love is never failing. He is my constant companion, comforter and shadow. He senses when I’m upset and gets right up in my face trying to cure my tempestuous emotions with his adorable grin and wet nose kisses. He was a constant steady presence and comfort after Hurricane Harvey, residential and work displacement, and when moving cities and transitioning career positions. He’s won my heart, and in our case, that cliche saying, “I didn’t rescue him…He rescued me” rings true. I encourage everyone who is looking for a companion, rescue a dog; be cliche and let them rescue you.
Ringo & Lacy
adopted 06/16
In 2016 I found myself broken, fresh out of a divorce and feeling like a failed human being. I would come home everyday to an empty apartment and an empty heart. Having had to leave my 3 dogs behind with my ex, I knew that I would get another dog eventually, but wasn’t sure when or how. I came across Ringo’s picture on petfinder and instantly fell in love. Something in his eyes made me feel like he was looking for me as much as I was searching for him. Immediately, I contacted Brave Bully Rescue, looking for information on how to adopt Ringo. I love the fact that Brave Bully suggested that I meet Ringo and have a “test weekend” with him first before any adoption proceedings. Brave Bully is fully committed to getting their dogs adopted, but only to the right homes. Nicholas Brunson, Ringo’s awesome foster dad, brought Ringo over on a Friday and stayed with him until he knew that Ringo was comfortable. Once I saw Ringo gently place his big ol’ block head on my mom’s lap, I knew it was a done deal. Ringo came into my life on June 17, 2016 and has been with me ever since. Words cannot express the amount of joy that Ringo has brought into my life. He is the biggest ham and the most sweet natured and well behaved pup! It is a joy to take him out to any dog friendly place, he attracts attention no matter where he is at! A few months after adopting Ringo and going to several of Brave Bully Rescue’s local events with him, I met a sweet older pittie named Lacy. She was so adorable and so devoted to her foster mama but needed a home where she could get more one on one attention. I brought her home to meet Ringo and they instantly fell in love with each other! Now I am a proud mama to TWO Brave Bully Rescue babies! I am so grateful to Brave Bully Rescue and their network of fosters for all of the amazing work that they do with all of their pups. Ringo’s foster parents, Nick and Steph, still see him regularly and I couldn’t be more happy! They, along with Brave Bully Rescue, have given me the best gifts I could have ever have asked for! I am so proud of my two piitie puppers! They are absolutely perfect for me, I’m so in love! So, If you see me posting about and tagging Brave Bully Rescue all over the internet its because Ringo saved my life! #Ringorescuedme!!!

adopted 10/14
September 12, 2014 I lost my “partner in crime”, Boy, to cancer at the young age of six. In his short life, Boy had always been a game changer, he opened so many peoples minds as to what the bully breed is really all about. He was a 97 lb lap dog, wanting nothing more out of life than to be close to his human. My heart was broken. I cried everyday when I came home and that sweet familiar face was no longer sitting at the door waiting for me. I had a huge hole in my heart that I wasn’t sure could be filled again. However, I knew that in Boy’s death, he had given me his best gift…the chance to save another dog like him, allowing his legacy of love and tolerance to live on.
I started googling bully rescues in Houston, with a ridiculous urgency. I came across Brave Bully Rescue. They had so many dogs to choose from. I originally went to meet Blackjack, I thought he may be the dog I was meant to save. He was wonderful! A big ol’ sweet guy, that met all my expectations… but then I met Atticus. I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to picking a dog, I feel like when it’s right, you just know…and that’s what happened with Atticus! He had the most wonderful foster mom, Jill, who told me he snuck into the bathroom while she was showering to check on her. Tears immediately ran down my face, that’s what my Boy did. I knew right then and there, despite Atticus being smaller than I wanted, or the color I never would’ve chosen, that he was undeniably the dog for me! You see, I went in thinking I was ready to rescue a dog. The truth is, Atticus was there to rescue me. The bond was instant for me. Right then I was ready to start the adoption process. It felt like forever. I probably drove Monica nuts, constantly bugging her to see what I needed to do next. In reality, looking back on the timeline, it didn’t take that long at all, I was just sooooo anxious.October 10 was our official adoption day, and I could not have been any happier. Fast forward to today, nearly 3 months later, we are quite the dynamic duo. We have continued our training with Total Control K9 College, and I’m not sure who has more fun, Atticus or myself. We are hoping to join the Dean’s List and have some really cool things coming up in the future. When we’re not training you can usually find us napping together on the couch, this guy is a snuggle monster and I just can’t help but to be lazy with him! He is the King of the house! Except when the 2 tiny dogs knock him off his pedestal 🙂 and he never even bats an eye at them. Plus he’s got a big sister to play in the yard with! My home if full of laughter and smiles again, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And my favorite thing of all…his face, at the front door, waiting for me to come home.
adopted 10/14
Brave Bully Rescue made it an easy process to pick Tucker for our family. They let us have a meet and greet before hand, and explained the whole adoption process for me making it an easy decision! I let them know the type of dog I was looking for and definitely needed to be kid friendly. They recommended the perfect addition to our family!We had the privilege to adopt Tucker thru Brave Bully Rescue a few month now and we already know he is the perfect fit for our family! He’s sweetheart that loves to be loved by us! I fell in love with him the first time I saw him and I think the feeling is mutual. He’s just so handsome and full of life! Tucker loves to go for walks and chew on bones. He loves taking rides just the two of us, chasing the kids, play football with them, go to the dog park and play with other dogs.He came already well trained and well behaved and I wouldn’t trade him for the world!! He’s our lil boy! We are so happy he chose our house to be his forever home!
Viresh Patel, MD
Champions Willowbrook Family Practice
adopted 7/14
My family and I had the pleasure to find Summer last summer! We had been searching for that special dog who not only looked sweet and cuddly but also would give us the love and affection we always wanted from a dog.
We luckily came upon her webpage on petfinder.com! We were able to contact Brave Bully Rescue and were so amazed to have not only found an amazing companion but a trusting Rescue organization.
Talking to Monica and Catherine gave me so much confidence that Summer got the care she needed. Summer was one of the few, very fortunate dogs to be treated for distemper by Dr. Huddleston at Westheimer Animal Clinic-Bellaire. This was all thanks to the care of Brave Bully Rescue and their amazing connections. She also was provided amazing foster care by Catherine and her family and later on by Rhonda McCann.
Everyone was so helpful and getting Summer was no trouble. She was up to date on her vaccines and already spayed. Summer is now the life of our family and we cannot imagine our lives without her!
Thank you Brave Bully Rescue for everything and putting a smile not only on our faces but everyone who is lucky enough to meet her!